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    DRIVE SCOUT LTunverified ad

    Price: $600.00
    July 5, 2024
    Views: 557
    Ad ID: 23436
    Original Purchase Date?: 08/2023
    Condition: Used
    Purpose: Sell

    ✳️ Excellent Condition
    ✳️ Previously enjoyed ONLY 4 TIMES - no longer needed
    ✳️ INCLUDES Extra Battery charger for on-the-go charging capability so you can always keep one charger at home
    ✳️ Battery power lasts up to 15 miles
    ✳️ INCLUDES Front Basket to keep personal items handy
    ✳️ INCLUDES Weather Cover in order to keep scooter out of the elements
    ✳️ Disassembles for easy travel. It will fit in most trunks. The heaviest part is approximately 50 pounds
    ✳️ COLOR - currently Red
    ✳️✳️ Also has interchangeable BLUE color flaps to change scooter color
    ✳️ Excellent turn radius
    ✳️ Max speed up to 4.2 miles per hour
    ✳️ Can accommodate up to 250+ pounds

    Give yourself or a loved one the freedom to enjoy any activities that are no longer achievable because of a recent injury or disability
    My wife loved the feeling of independence this scooter gave her.
    The ability to go places and participate in everyday errands, festivals, concerts, picnics, and any other events he or she enjoys.

    You can learn more about the Drive Scout here: https://www.mobilityscootersdirect.com/mobility-scooters/drive-medical-scout-lt-4-wheel.html

    Method of Payment:
    Contact Information
    Phone: 678-633-9212
    Address: Mississippi,