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    Drive Mobility Scooterunverified ad

    Price: $1 200.00
    June 17, 2024
    Views: 897
    Ad ID: 23291
    Original Purchase Date?: 2018
    Condition: Used
    Purpose: Sell

    This scooter is in excellent condition and runs great. We purchased the scooter for my husband in 2018, and it added a lot to my husband's quality of life. My husband used it until he passed away in Dec. 2021 and it has not been used since. The scooter self-folds with a remote control, is safe and lightweight, and is easy for one person to put into the trunk of a car. We never had any maintenance or other problems with it, including when carrying it onto planes several times. It can be used comfortably by anyone weighing up to 300 lbs. The battery is strong and in good shape.

    The scooter is in my garage in Clifton, New Jersey. You are welcome to come and try it out. I believe the original cost was approximately $2400. A new model will be about $2800, so this is a bargain.

    You can learn more about this scooter here: https://www.mobilityscootersdirect.com/mobility-scooters/drive-medical-zoome-auto-flex-folding-travel-scooter.html

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    Contact Information
    Phone: 2013107930
    Address: New Jersey,