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    Permobil F5 electric wheelchairunverified ad

    January 9, 2023
    Views: 495
    Ad ID: 18979
    Original Purchase Date?: 2019
    Condition: Used
    Purpose: Sell
    Color: Black

    I do know it helped my mom a lot and it made her feel more free and have a lot of features I gave her a lot of hands-free at home on the go outside Independence the suspension alone is amazing just what the chair does I can't just describe it in just this little words she could not stand without help and by herself with the chair she stood up straight so that's what just a few words that I could say about it and with the summer coming it's good to be outside if anybody like to hike or it's good for camping because she like to fish she thought she couldn't go over the rocks and stuff and she could with that chair I couldn't believe it I'm just so used to seeing regular wheelchairs and when she was going to sleep it laid all the way back flat I never seen anything like it it was amazing yes I'm trying to sell it but it was still amazing to see a chair that does that I never understood how can a wheelchair cost $35,000 now I see why it's priceless to have somebody feel like they could stand straight up so now I understand

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    Contact Information
    Phone: 272-447-6077
    Address: Pennsylvania,