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    Stander EASY STAND EVOLVE sit to stand large standerunverified ad

    Price: $1 000.00
    February 19, 2024
    Views: 978
    Ad ID: 22418
    Original Purchase Date?: 2018?
    Purpose: Sell

    This Size Large EVOLV EASY STAND SIT TO STAND stander has barely been used. It's an excellent condition. It does have a slight scuff/mark on the front part of the seat. We are willing to deliver for an additional fee within a 200 Mi radius of Clovis california. This is a great stander to help get a patient in and out of the standER without difficult transferring. It has a manual actuator pump, foot straps, knee pads, hip supports for a symmetrical alignment when standing, black molded plastic shadowing tray and many other features. Serial number  v4024187020.  We are asking $1,000.

    EasyStand Evolv stander allows the user to move in and out of standing without having to be lifted or transferred. This makes it easier to be compliant with a standing program by standing in small bursts and yet still stand for the 120 minutes needed to affect bone density and maximize other health benefits.

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