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    Hoveround Teknique XHD Powerchairunverified ad

    Price: $1 000.00
    August 5, 2021
    Views: 2625
    Ad ID: 13671
    Original Purchase Date?: 2019
    Condition: Used
    Purpose: Sell

    I have a Hoveround Teknique XHD for sale. It is well suited for any patient,from average to very heavy in weight.My wife used this a few times before she passed,and now it is no longer needed.It is in like new condition,i keep batteries charged and the charger comes with it.

    This is strictly for sale,not rental and is for local pickup only.Item is located in Madisonville,Tx. Seller is set up to accept Cash only,Sorry no Credit Cards or Checks.

    This Powerchair also comes with the Owner's Manual,Client Information Guide and Toolkit that came with it,when received brand new.

    Seller is open to price negotiation,but only serious Offers will be entertained.

    Seller will not entertain Shipping Options...item is for local pickup only,and is available to be viewed at my residence.Appointments for viewing are available upon request.

    I hope a good home can be found for this Powerchair.I would love to be able to know that someone is getting some good use from it,rather than it sitting around just gathering dust.

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