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    Like New- Permobil F3 power chairunverified ad

    Price: $1 500.00
    June 20, 2024
    Views: 610
    Ad ID: 23344
    Original Purchase Date?: 2019
    Condition: Used
    Purpose: Sell
    Color: Black

    Like new! Permobil F3 with new battery and module( less than 1 yr). Fast, comfortable, safe! 20" diameter cushioned seat with Roho cushion. The seat belt, and headrest, are like new. You will ride for many miles without a charge( charger included). Everything is in PERFECT working order. A bargain! Shipping is not included. Free pickup. The chair weighs 350 lbs and offers a lower center of mass with great suspension. Its small footprint offers easy mobility and maneuverability. Even the armrests are new, and they changed less than a year ago. Someone will be very happy! With up to 45 degrees of forward tilt and 14" of active height, the F3 makes your ride custom and comfortable. The suspension allows you to enjoy superior vibration reduction and hence a smooth drive. Finally, the speed module allows a slow ride or up to 6 miles per hour when on a long path. So sit, elevate, tilt, and recline with this wonderful chair! It also has a ground clearance of 3 inches which helps you maintain a seated position.

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    Contact Information
    Phone: 9146488944
    Address: Connecticut,