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    Power Wheelchairunverified ad

    Price: $600.00
    August 26, 2022
    Views: 1872
    Ad ID: 18160
    Condition: Brand New
    Purpose: Sell
    Model Year: 2016
    Color: Blue

    This is a Sunrise Medical Wheelchair that my father received from the  V.A. delivered to his home while he was in the hospital.

    I kept it in the garage and kept the battery charged.  Unfortunately, he never got the chance to use it.

    I moved it into storage upon selling the house.  The model# listed above the barcode is PLS6B-119846.  This chair can be used to travel inside and outside. It is heavy duty.

    It requires 2 deep-cycle batteries to operate.  It has an 8AMP Battery Charger. It is called the QuickiePulse model.

    I have the original paperwork and everything that came with the chair.

    The Listing price does not include the shipping price which is dependent on location.

    I will include a video or pictures upon request. I am not that tech savvy but I can send pictures via text or email.

    I will attempt to download copies of the owner's manual and model number and other paperwork when I figure out how to attach the info from my phone to my email and to this site.


    Method of Payment:
    Contact Information
    Phone: 3478248089
    Address: New York,