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    Tobii Dynavox Eye Gazeunverified ad

    Price: $5 000.00
    May 30, 2023
    Views: 1339
    Ad ID: 20077
    Original Purchase Date?: 8/2021
    Purpose: Sell

    Tobii Dynavox I-series eye gaze computer system. Use to communicate through your eyes for someone who can’t speak. It also has email, internet, Facebook ect on it.

    It comes with a floor stand with wheels that lock in and is adjustable, used for laying in bed, or sitting in chair, ect. Can use without stand and place on desk. I also have the arm/part that can be mounted on a wheelchair.Can adjust the volume for your voice to be heard. It can store words so you don’t have to type it out on the keyboard every time. It is great for communicating, we used it for someone who had ALS and was losing her voice. It does come on by just looking at it, you can use an alarm on it to alert someone if you have an issue. It does have Netflix as well as other applications. It comes with a case for easy to carry places.

    It is a wonderful program for anyone with speech issues to help eliminate the frustration that both the person trying to talk and the other trying to understand them.

    It is a very expensive system and I am selling for only $5000

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    Address: Massachusetts,